- Order number: Datacide18
ISBN 978-3-948332-18-1
Features include:
Christoph Fringeli: Revolution and Counterrevolution in Germany 1919
Ross Wolfe: Marxism Contra Justice - A Critique of Egalitarian Ideology
Joke Lanz: Ghosts & Handbags - A short Travel Report from the Japanese Underworld
Matthew Hyland:Masterless Mouths
poems by Howard Slater
fiction by Dan Hekate
news roundup by Nemeton
record reviews by Low Entropy, Saxenhammer, Prole Sector, Controlled Weirdness, Christoph Fringeli
book reviews:
Neil Transpontine: A Fascist Tulpa in the White House? - Right-wing ‘Meme Magic’ and the Rise of Trump
Frankenstein, or the 8-Bit Prometheus - Micro-literature, hyper-mashup, Sonic Belligeranza records 17th anniversary by Riccardo Balli
Dale Street: Lions Led by Jackals – Stalinism in the International Brigade, by Christoph Fringeli
Christoph Fringeli: No borders, no fatherland! France – What’s New for the Left?
Activities since last issue
Lives and Times of Bloor Schleppy
graphics and illustrations by dybbuk, lesekill, Darkam, Sansculotte