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Alfred Kantorowicz: Politik und Literatur im Exil
Alfred Kantorowicz: Politik und Literatur im Exil - Deutschsprachige Schriftsteller im Kampf gegen den Nationalsozialismus. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, dtv 10110, April 1983 Guter gebrauchter Zustand.
€4.00 * €6.00 *
Eberhard Schmidt: Die verhinderte Neuordnung...
Eberhard Schmidt: Die verhinderte Neuordnung 1945-1952 Zur Auseinandersetzung um die Demokratisierung der Wirtschaft in den westlichen Besatzungszonen und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Abendroth....
€6.00 *
Fire at Work: Resurrection (incl. Rmx by...
Idroscalo Dischi returns to vinyl! And it's a nice offering very much in the tradition of the label, with Fire at Work on one side and remixes by Somatic Responses and D'Arcangelo on the other.
€8.00 *
Nihil Fist: Hatecore DVD
Originally released on VHS tape in 1999 this is a DVD version also produced by Nihil Fist himself. 30 minutes of audio-visual riot noise by Nihil Fist with visuals by United Network Productions.
€9.00 *
Persona: I Keep Breaking You
Interesting experimental 7" from Audiobot, just one copy in nm/vg+ condition
€3.00 *
Istari Lasterfahrer: Some Places
Istari Lasterfahrer is back with a four-tracker as a hommage to the many places he played at over the years with his typical junglist style. here's what the label web site says: The 1000 Schattering Trashbins of God and Prethinker and...
€9.00 *
E.Stonji: nowhere.nside-pa_ca
Idm meets a kind of experimental dubstep on this transparent vinyl 7" on one side and an 80's sounding wave-pop track on the other side. comes with an additional DVD-3" which contains two videos and ten audio-remixes of the two tracks,...
€6.00 *
Ritalin War Dance/Neurosis Orchestra: The...
Excellent new release on Sozialistischer Plattenbau comes forward as a split EP of Ritalin War Dance and Neurosis Orchestra. Both sides have dark atmospheres that are textured and deep, doomy sometimes psychedelic soundscapes over...
€9.00 *
V/A: Serendip #2
Compilation CD documenting the 2011 Serendip festival which took place in October of that year.
€7.00 *
Fobia (Seven Samurai 01)
EVEN LOWER PRICE! The first release on Fobia's Seven Samurai records, originally released in 2007: As a statement of focus, Seven Samurai Records starts off where the film ends. This first 12” compilation highlights a variety of...
€1.00 * €5.00 *
Stephan Grigat (Hg): Postnazismus revisited -...
Stephan Grigat (Hg.) Postnazismus revisited Das Nachleben des Nationalsozialismus im 21. Jahrhundert 2., erweiterte und geänderte Auflage von “Transformation des Postnazismus. Der deutsch-österreichische Weg zum demokratischen...
€18.00 *
Georg Lukács u.a.: Verdinglichung, Marxismus,...
Georg Lukács u.a. Verdinglichung, Marxismus, Geschichte Von der Niederlage der Novemberrevolution zur kritischen Theorie Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Markus Bitterolf und Denis Maier Frühjahr 2012, 520 Seiten, 24.-€, ISBN:...
€24.00 *