Welcome to the fourth edition of THE MOLEHILL REPORT
A new monthly video newsletter covering activities and perspectives from Praxis Records, Datacide Magazine, Molehill Publishing and other associated projects, presented by Christoph Fringeli.
April 2022: We're back from the - for us - first major event this year, the 25th Anniversary of Hekate Sound System that took place in Lyon, March 25/26, and brought back some nice footage, some of which we share here.
We have a new T-Shirt available: The Future is Cancelled. Design by Tóng Zhì. Available now (link below).
We'd like to hear from you what you would like to see on our Noise & Politics channel. Let us know in the comments!
The Wirebug : Instruments Need More Than Just Platonic Love [from: The Uncontrollable H Disease, Praxis 28, 2001]
H & The Jackal: Mechanical Deviance [from Praxis U.S.A., Deadly Systems 007, 2000]
C_C, The Wirebug, Psychic Defence, Les Trolls playing their own compositions live.
Lynxy is mixing tracks by Authentically Plastic and Phormix.
Additional photos of Hekate artwork by Gabi Norland.
The Future is Cancelled T-Shirt is available here: https://praxis-records.net/shop/misc/clothing-amp-merchandise/label-merchandise/9362/the-future-is-cancelled-t-shirt
Praxis web site: https://praxis-records.net
Praxis Bandcamp (digital sales): https://praxisrecords.bandcamp.com
Praxis Soundcloud (tracks, albums, playlists, releases - 200+ tracks at the time of publishing this video) https://soundcloud.com/praxisrecords
Datacide - The Magazine for Noise & Politics https://datacide-magazine.com also check out the Blackmass Plastics mix with nice historical footage of Hekate on Dave Stich's youtube channel: https://youtu.be/vPHEUHVOM_E
The Molehill Report #4 was produced at Psychic Defence Studios in April 2022 in Berlin by CF and Lynxy.