Quarterly Sales Charts in our Shop Blog

Find quarterly sales charts of our outlets in the Praxis Shop Blog page in our online shop!
After publishing monthly charts for a few months in 2020, we switch to a quarterly schedule, having just published the list of the 10 best selling records of the first quarter 2021, as well as the best selling files and print items. The list is comprised of sales in our own online store, the Praxis discogs shop, physical items on Bandcamp. This plus wholesale orders. Usually this also includes sales in our physical shop in Berlin, but the Disconnect Store has been closed due to Corona restrictions.
The quarterly charts will allow an a bit more representative impression of what actually sells, as monthly sales go up and down considerably depending if we have exclusive releases out or other important items in stock in a particular month.
As you can see the charts are heavily tilted towards our own or exclusive or semi-exclusive distribution items. This could distract from the fact that our selection is quite broad and countless titles just sell a copy or two each month and thus never show up in the top ten.
Besides these quarterly charts, the Shop Blog features irregular updates and news flashes. Check it out HERE.