Videos of Live Sets from Praxis Label Night 2005 @ Hirscheneck, Basel are online now

Two videos of live sets from the Praxis Label Night which took place at the Hirscheneck in Basel on November 19, 2005 are now up on our YouTube channel for your delectation! It’s the sets by Vile Enginez and by Nihil Fist. Both artists had brand new releases out for which the party doubled up as a record release event. Vile Enginez Overthrow/Undermine (Sub/Version 008) and Nihil Fist Resistance is Fertile (Praxis42). Great sets also by Kovert, The Wirebug aka Dan Hekate and CF, but not enough footage of those. Wicked footage though of Vile Enginez and Nihil Fist. Check it out, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!