Psychic Defence [Artist Profile]

Psychic Defence Artist Profile.

linxi & CF – Psychic Defence live in Procida, Italy

Psychic Defence is a live and studio project of hard hitting experimental beats, bass, and noise, combining the psychic and sonic forces of linxi and Christoph Fringeli.

Standing on the dance floor at the confluence of outer space speedcore, classic breakcore, deep bass immersion and the dark, uncharted territories of noise, Psychic Defence brings an unexpected temperament to the rave. Started in 2014 as the couple’s psychogeographical wanderings around historical Berlin locations, the project captured characteristic sounds with linxi’s iphone 4 and built upon decades of dance mutations.

Psychic Defence has played live sets often alongside their respective DJ sets in Basel, Berlin, Bratislava, Bologna, Budapest, Hamburg, London, Lublin, Lyon, Marburg, Monza, Olympia WA, Paris, Portland OR, Prague, Procida, San Francisco, and Vienna.

Psychic Defence are hosting the monthly experimental electronics night re:focus in Berlin, which takes place every first Thursday of the month at Lauschangriff, where they are also resident DJs.

Psychic Defence live at Vinyl Resistance, Monza 2017


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