Tag Archives: Sale

Spring Sale in the Praxis Online Store until End of April 2023

We just started a big spring clearance sale in the Praxis online shop – get 23% off on ALL physical items until the end of April: https://praxis-records.net/shop/ … find more infos on the landing page of the shop – check it out (and tell your friends)!

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Disconnect Week Dec. 3-7

To celebrate 8 months of correctional culture activities, Disconnect Store Berlin will have a week of: ♚ Late openings♛ Sales, offers, bargains, gifts♜ Concerts, performances & more♞ Tea Tasting session every day ❅❅❅❅ Music ❅❅❅❅✇ Tuesday 3rd: 6PM: Acid Polizei [Hardware Live]✇ Wednesday 4th: 4PM: Shvlfce [Dj Set]✇ Wednesday 4th: 5PM: Migz [Dj Set]✇ Thursday […]

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