Time Destroys Everything – Amsterdam 08-06-2024

08.06.2024, NoAlign Presents Time Destroys Everything At OT301, Amsterdam, NL

Doors will open at OT301 on Saturday June 8 at 19.00, and the talk will start shortly after, so make sure to be there on time if you want to catch it.

Talk Overview:
Christoph Fringeli is a writer, musician and publisher living and working in Berlin. He runs Praxis Records since 1992 and is the editor of Datacide – Magazine for Noise & Politics since 1997.
In his talk he will present and critically investigate the concept of counterculture from its origins in the 1960s via its mutations with Punk in the 70s and how it entered a new phase in the 90s with the explosion of sound system culture, free festivals and self-managed distribution networks of electronic music, as well as the intersections of this musical underground with radical emancipatory politics.
He will also look at reactionary attempts to co-opt countercultural strategies and topics by the far right as well as recuperation by the capitalist mainstream.
The crucial question is: How relevant are the concepts of challenging the cultural, political, economic and social status quo devised by the radicals of the past in the digital age?
Today we have whole new arsenals of communication and agitation or experimentation. We have to apply these to complement the media experience we have accumulated in the last century, in line with the gains we have made in terms of knowledge about revolutionary history.
Christoph’s talk will be followed by discussion and will be illustrated by selected visual material.


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