Events – Base Force One/Christoph Fringeli in Basel, Milano Dec 13/14, 2024
December 13 and 14, 2024, Christoph Fringeli is playing in Basel @Wurm and in Milano at the Aneurysm Records party – both a hybrid set of Base Force One live material and DJ set which will include never heard before material from vinyl test pressings and digital format as well as classic records.
Musica X Diavoli, Basel 13-12-2024

Last time we played at Wurm in Basel it was still in its old location next to the main railway station with a larger Praxis related line-up (The Wirebug, Lynx, Psychic Defence, Base Force One… and DJ Balli – see below).
I’m looking forward to playing at the new Wurm on the Wolf. Curious about the new location in general and in particular because the Wolf complex was the site of the studio of Alex Buess, where many of the Vision records were recorded and produced in the 1980s. On Friday the 13th we’ll hear some out-there experimental beats around there.
23:00 – doors
23:30 – nnnnccccllllpppp (SHARP)
0:00 – endobliss
1:00 – base force one
2:00 – Brooklyn bridge
3:30 – dj coccyx
5:00 – tutti a casa!
- Facebook page of Wurm
The Chaos Theory (Milano 14-12-2024)

The next day I’ll take the train to Milano and play alongside Ingler, old friend DJ Balli and a host of others at the Aneurysm label party.
Ingler is of course Laurent Hô’s alter ego for industrial hardcore stuff and the person behind the seminal Epiteth and Uncivilized World labels, and the night also features with DJ Balli a regular contributor to datacide.
- Facebook Event Milano 14-12-2024
If you’re either in or near Basel or Milano this coming weekend, make sure to check out these events!
- Noise & Politics LINKTREE