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Metatron: Speed & Politics EP
Metatron's Speed and Politics EP was an important point for the development of the Praxis sound - let's say the point of departure from tekno to hardcore; but since definitions have shifted since then, the location of the exact...
€23.00 *
Biochip C.: 2001
1 Lift-Off 3:05 2 Adrenalin (Remix) 5:54 3 Sunblocking 6:19 4 Hufeisenbefestigungsklammereier 0:23 5 C-Machinery 4:07 6 Not-So-Clean 4:55 7 Space (Version 2) 7:07 8 Reaktion 3:46 9 Knobgine 3:12 10 Futile 4:02 11 Strinkz 4:30 12...
€12.00 *
V/A: Knock Out - The Sound of Vision CD
Vision label comp from 1991 with 16-17, Cosmics, Electric Noise Twist, Flowers of Evil, Fluid Mask, Frances Zorn, Hirnschlag, Ix-Ex-Splue, Melx, Thin King
€13.00 *
Moishe Postone: Deutschland, die Linke und der...
Die Linke hat zu oft das Muster vorherrschender deutscher Einstellungen, das zurückzuweisen sie angetreten war, reproduziert. (Moishe Postone, Brief an die westdeutsche Linke, 1985) Die Reflexion darüber, was es heisst, in Deutschland...
€18.00 *
The Wirebug: The New Fangled Fandangle
Excellent Dan Hekate record! Frequencies Of Da Fraggle Fandangos, as is says in the run-out groove - The tracks are untitled, check out the MP3 snippets!
€7.50 *